Our Party Nights have been a great success over the years and are friendly and welcoming offering predominanty Cuban Salsa Music with a little Kizomba & Bachata along with Fun Line Ups and impromptu La Ruedas throughout the night.
Join us at our fun and friendly Salsa ...feel the heat Party Night.
8.00pm till 12.30am
Dancing to great music, Fun Line Ups and impromptu La Ruedas throughout the night.
Rueda Class with Esref Parranda Ulas at 8.15pm
Advance Tickets priced £10 available Online or in Class and £12 on the door.
The spacious Stubshaw Cross Club offers a lovely dance floor and reasonably priced bar and is located in Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan and is within easy reach of a wide area thanks to its excellent location and the local motorway network. Ample Free Car Parking is available on site.
Advance Tickets priced £10 available Online or in Class and £12 on the door
You have not been instructed to quarantine or self-isolate
You do not have any symptoms of Covid-19: Cough, Temperature, Loss of Smell (or had in the past 5 days)
To your knowledge you have not been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 5 days
If you feeling unwell in any way, regardless of LFT result, please stay at home and get well soon.
Covid guidance on-site:
Wash hands / Apply hand sanitiser before & after classes / social dancing. Sanitiser / wipes provided at key points at the venue.
Face-masks are optional.
Partner swapping is now possible, but still optional. In social dancing please respect other people's varied decisions to change partners or to stay together.